Ashutosh Wechalekar

Ashutosh Wechalekar

Senior Lecturer & Honorary Consultant Haematologist, Royal Free London NHS, University College London, UK Foundation Trust,


Research areas


At University College London and the Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust, Professor Ashutosh Wechalekar holds the positions of senior lecturer and honorary consultant haematologist.  He received his medical training in Canada and the UK.  He began working at the UK National Amyloidosis Centre in 2004 as an honorary senior research fellow, supported by a Leukemia Research Fund grant.  He was named senior lecturer/honorary consultant in the Department of Haematology and National Amyloidosis Centre in 2007.  His research and clinical interests are mostly in multiple myeloma and amyloidosis.  He is particularly interested in diagnosing and treating multiple myeloma and systemic AL amyloidosis, including using new and novel medicines in clinical trials. He has written extensively in these fields.