Christian Juhl Terkelsen

Interventional Cardiologist

Aarhus University Hospital - Aarhus, Denmark


Christian Juhl Terkelsen is a clinical professor at Aarhus University and an interventional cardiologist at Aarhus University Hospital, performing PCI, CTO, TAVI & TASH procedures, with special interest in optimizing invasive procedures using radial access and ultrasound in alternate access.

Chair of the Research and database working group in Danish Cardiac Society, he is supervising for twelve ongoing or finished PhD-projects on various topics including prehospital diagnosis in patients with AMI, or Value of primary PCI in patients with NSTEMI.

Responsible for the TAVI program at Aarhus University hospital, he is leading the recently published COMPARE TAVI trial.

He is widely recognized in cardiology, with numerous publications and participation in international conferences.



  • Terkelsen CJ, Thim T, Freeman P, Dahl JS, Nørgaard BL, Kim WY, Tang M, Sørensen HT, Christiansen EH, Nissen H. Randomized comparison of TAVI valves: The Compare-TAVI trial. Am Heart J. 2024 May 9;274:84-94. doi: 10.1016/j.ahj.2024.05.003.
  • Møller JE, Engstrøm T, Jensen LO, Eiskjær H, Mangner N, Polzin A, Schulze PC, Skurk C, Nordbeck P, Clemmensen P, Panoulas V, Zimmer S, Schäfer A, Werner N, Frydland M, Holmvang L, Kjærgaard J, Sørensen R, Lønborg J, Lindholm MG, Udesen NLJ, Junker A, Schmidt H, Terkelsen CJ, Christensen S, Christiansen EH, Linke A, Woitek FJ, Westenfeld R, Möbius-Winkler S, Wachtell K, Ravn HB, Lassen JF, Boesgaard S, Gerke O, Hassager C; DanGer Shock Investigators. Microaxial Flow Pump or Standard Care in Infarct-Related Cardiogenic Shock. N Engl J Med. 2024 Apr 18;390(15):1382-1393.
  • Pedersen CK, Stengaard C, Bøtker MT, Søndergaard HM, Dodt KK, Terkelsen CJ. Accelerated -Rule-Out of acute Myocardial Infarction using prehospital copeptin and in-hospital troponin: The AROMI study. Eur Heart J. 2023; 44(38):3875-88..
  • Mørk SR, Bøtker MT, Hjort J, Jensen LO, Pedersen F, Jørgensen G, Christensen EF, Christensen MK, Aarø J, Lippert F, Knudsen L, Hansen TM, Steinmetz J, Terkelsen CJ. Use of Helicopters to Reduce Health Care System Delay in Patients With ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction Admitted to an Invasive Center. Am J Cardiol. 2022; 171:7-14.
  • Mørk SR, Stengaard C, Linde L, Møller JE, Jensen LO, Schmidt H, Riber LP, Andreasen JB, Thomassen SA, Laugesen H, Freeman PM, Christensen S, Greisen JR, Tang M, Møller-Sørensen PH, Holmvang L, Gregers E, Kjaergaard J, Hassager C, Eiskjær H, Terkelsen CJ. Mechanical circulatory support for refractory out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: a Danish nationwide multicenter study. Crit Care. 2021 May 22;25(1):174.
  • De Backer O, Dangas GD, Jilaihawi H, Leipsic JA, Terkelsen CJ, Makkar R, Kini AS, Veien KT, Abdel-Wahab M, Kim WK, Balan P, Van Mieghem N, Mathiassen ON, Jeger RV, Arnold M, Mehran R, Guimarães AHC, Nørgaard BL, Kofoed KF, Blanke P, Windecker S, Søndergaard L; GALILEO-4D Investigators. Reduced Leaflet Motion after Transcatheter Aortic-Valve Replacement. N Engl J Med 2020. 9;382(2).
  • Rasmussen MB, Stengaard C, Sørensen JT, Riddervold IS, Søndergaard HM, Niemann T, Dodt KK, Frost L, Jensen T, Raungaard B, Hansen TM, Giebner M, Rasmussen CH, Bøtker HE, Kristensen SD, Maeng M, Christiansen EH, Terkelsen CJ. Comparison of Acute Versus Subacute Coronary Angiography in Patients With NON-ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction (from the NONSTEMI Trial). Am J Cardiol. 2019, 15;124(6):825-832.
  • Tranberg T, Lippert FK, Christensen EF, Stengaard C, Hjort J, Lassen JF, Petersen F, Jensen JS, Bäck C, Jensen LO, Ravkilde J, Bøtker HE, Terkelsen CJ. Distance to invasive heart centre, performance of acute coronary angiography, and angioplasty and associated outcome in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: a nationwide study. Eur Heart J 2017, 38(21):1645-52.
  • Terkelsen CJ, Jensen LO, Tilsted HH, Thaysen P, Ravkilde J, Johnsen SP, Trautner S, Andersen HR, Thuesen L, Lassen JF. Health care system delay and heart failure in patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction. Annals Int Med 2011, 155(6):361-7.
  • Terkelsen CJ, Jensen LO, Tilsted HH, Trautner S, Johnsen SP, Vach W, Boetker HE, Thuesen L, Lassen JF. Primary percutaneous coronary intervention as a national reperfusion strategy in patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction: eleven years of experience from the western Denmark heart registry. Circ Cardiovasc Intervent 2011, 4(6):570-6.
  • Terkelsen CJ, Sørensen JT, Maeng M, Jensen LO, Tilsted HH, Trautner S, Vach W, Johnsen SP, Thuesen L, Lassen JF. Health Care System Delay and Mortality among patients with ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction Treated with Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention. JAMA 2010; 18;304(7):763-71.

Articles by Christian Juhl Terkelsen, Interventional Cardiologist

Fast-track Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Patients with ST-elevation Myocardial Infarction

Henning Rud Andersen, Christian Juhl Terkelsen,

Citation: Interventional Cardiology 2006;1(1):10-1

A21 - Impact of Concomitant Vasoactive Treatment in Active Left Ventricular Unloading in Cardiogenic Shock

Nanna Junker Udesen, Jacob E Møller, Matias Greve Lindholm, et al


Citation: Interventional Cardiology Review 2019;14(3 Suppl 1):A21.