Gerald Watts

Gerald Watts

University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia


Prof Gerald Watts is Chair of the Familial Hypercholesterolaemia Australasia Network and a Senior Consultant Physician specialising in cardio-metabolic medicine. He leads the Cardio-metabolic Service in the Departments of Cardiology and Internal Medicine at Royal Perth Hospital and serves as Winthrop Professor of Cardio-metabolic Medicine at the University of Western Australia.

Previously, he trained at Imperial College and King’s College, London University, and was a scholar at Wolfson College, Oxford University.

His research focuses on lipid disorders, cardiovascular prevention, and improving healthcare delivery for high-risk dyslipidaemias, particularly familial hypercholesterolaemia and hyperchylomicronaemia. He has supervised several Masters, MD, and PhD students, post-doctoral research fellows, and holds multiple research grants with various collaborations.