Gheorghe-Andrei Dan

Gheorghe-Andrei Dan

Head of Internal Medicine Clinic & Cardiology and Electrophysiology Department


Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, RO

  • OrcidID


Dr Gheorghe-Andrei Dan is Head of Internal Medicine University Clinic, Colentina University Hospital, Bucharest and Head of the Cardiology Department and Diagnostic Cardiovascular Procedures and Arrhythmology Unit – University Hospital Colentina.

Professor – Internal Medicine Department of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila” Bucharest
Head, Internal Medicine Chair, University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila” Bucharest
Leading Research Investigator of the Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences
Chancellor (Scientific Secretary), Faculty of Medicine, University of Medicine “Carol Davila”- Bucharest

Dr Gheorghe-Andrei Dan is on the Editorial Board of European Cardiology Review.

Articles by Gheorghe-Andrei Dan, Head of Internal Medicine Clinic & Cardiology and Electrophysiology Department

What is the Future Position of Factor XIa Inhibitors for Patients with Atrial Fibrillation?

Maki Komiyama, Moritake Iguchi, Hiromichi Wada, et al


Citation: European Cardiology Review 2024;19:e10.

The Predictive Value of NT-proBNP across Glomerular Filtration Rate Subsets in Heart Failure Treated Patients

Diana Ionescu, Caterina Delcea, Adrian Catalin Buzea, et al


Citation: European Cardiology Review 2023;18:e18.

Perspectives and Future Directions of Anticoagulant Therapy in Coronary Artery Disease Patients

Maki Komiyama, Gheorghe-Andrei Dan, Koji Hasegawa, et al


Citation: European Cardiology Review 2023;18:e14.

2021 ESC Guidelines on Cardiac Pacing and Cardiac Resynchronisation Therapy

Gheorghe-Andrei Dan,


Citation: European Cardiology Review 2021;16:e55.

Rhythm Control in AF: Have We Reached the Last Frontier?

Gheorghe-Andrei Dan,


Citation: European Cardiology Review 2019;14(2):77–81

Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapies Focus: Are low doses of direct-acting oral anticoagulants justified and appropriate in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation?

Antoni Martínez-Rubio, Gheorghe-Andrei Dan,

Citation: European Cardiology Review 2016;11(2):115–7

Stroke Prevention in Atrial Fibrillation – The Use of NOACs in Everyday Clinical Practice

Gheorghe-Andrei Dan, Adrian Catalin Buzea,

Citation: European Cardiology Review 2015;10(2):76–8