Robert Cubeddu, MD
NCH Rooney Heart Institute, Florida, US
Dr Robert Cubeddu is President at NCH Rooney Heart Institute, Florida, US and is board-certified in Cardiovascular Medicine and Interventional Cardiology, with advanced sub-specialty training in Structural Heart Disease.
Dr Cubeddu founded a comprehensive, high-volume premier regional centre of referral in Structural Heart including percutaneous transcatheter valves therapies (TAVR, TMVR, Mitraclip, Valvuloplasty, PVL closure), congenital heart disease interventions (ASD, VSD, PDA, TPVR), and stroke reduction therapies (i.e., LAAC/Watchman and PFO closure). He actively participates as a member of SCAI, ACC and the editorial board of several high-impact peer-review journals.
Robert Cubeddu, MD, Dee Dee Wang, Viviana Navas, MD, et al
Articles by Robert Cubeddu, MD, Cardiologist
Jaime A Hernandez-Montfort, Diana Miranda, Varinder Kaur Randhawa, et al
Citation: US Cardiology Review 2022;16:e05.