Prof Robert Storey is Academic Director and an honorary Consultant Cardiologist for the Cardiology and Cardiothoracic Surgery Directorate, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. He is Professor of Cardiology at the University of Sheffield, UK, where he has headed a platelet research group since 2002 within the Department of Cardiovascular Science.
He has a special interest in the management of ischaemic heart disease, including acute coronary syndromes and coronary intervention. He served as a member of the executive committees for the PLATO and PEGASUS studies, leading the platelet function substudies for these trials, and of the steering committee for the TRA-CER, EPICOR and ATLANTIC studies. He is currently a member of the steering committee for the COMPLETE study. He was Chair of the Working Group on Thrombosis of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) from 2012-2014 and has been a Task Force member for several ESC guidelines on non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndromes and dyslipidaemias.
Robert F Storey, Dominick J Angiolillo, Christopher P Cannon, et al
Robert F Storey, Dominick J Angiolillo, Christopher P Cannon, et al
Robert F Storey, Roxana Mehran, Dominick J Angiolillo, et al
Dominick J Angiolillo, Robert F Storey, Roxana Mehran, et al
Platelet Function TestingRobert F Storey, Guillaume Taylor, Jeff Dahlen, et al
Robert F Storey, Antonio Colombo, Stavros Spiliopoulos, et al
Antonio Colombo, Jean-Philippe Collet, Jeff Dahlen, et al
Articles by Robert F Storey, Professor and Honorary Consultant in Cardiology
Robert F Storey,
Citation: Interventional Cardiology 2024;19:e07.