Roberto Garbo
Interventional Cardiologist
Maria Pia Hospital, Turin, IT
Dr Roberto Garbo is an Interventional Cardiologist at Maria Pia Hospital, Turin, IT. He has been an Interventional Cardiologist since 1999.
He was Head of the Cath Lab at San Giovanni Bosco Hospital from 2005- 2020, director of the CTO PCI, CHIP and complex PCI programmes over the last 15 years.
He has operated more than 2,200 CTO PCI, of which 1,100 with retrograde approach.
Proctor for CTO PCI programmes in Italy, Europe (France, Poland, Romania, Czeck Republic, Russia) and Middle East (Egypt, Saudi Arabia).
Tomas Kovarnik , Mohamed Ayoub, Giuseppe Di Gioia, et al
Margaret McEntegart, Ajay J Kirtane, Gabriele Gasparini, et al
Articles by Roberto Garbo, Interventional Cardiologist
Heinz Joachim Büttner, Masahisa Yamane, Nicolaus Reifart, et al
Citation: Interventional Cardiology Review 2014;9(3):213–5