Rosa Sicari
Italian National Research Council, Rome, IT
Master Degree in medicine from the University of Pisa, PhD in Cardiovascular Pathophysiology from the University of Milan, specialist in Cardiovascular Diseases. Currently Senior Researcher at the National Research Council, Head of the Echocardiography Laboratory of the Institute of Clinical Physiology of CNR. Co-author of 85 original articles in international scientific journals, with a cumulative impact factor > 400. In the past 5 years she has published as first author in the most important magazines.
Guest columnist for the European Journal of Echocardiography and JACC Imaging. She is a member of the Committee for the Euroecho Program and scientific sessions of the American Society of Echocardiography. Deputy Editor of Cardiovascular Ultrasound and on-line member of the editorial board of the European Journal of Echocardiography. She is scientific director of the European Association of Echocardiography, and a Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology (FESC).
Dr Rosa Sicari is on the Editorial Board of European Cardiology Review.
Articles by Rosa Sicari
Rosa Sicari, Lauro Cortigiani,
Citation: European Cardiology 2012;8(1):23-7