CAAS IntraVascular: for analysis of your IVUS, NIRS-IVUS and OCT datasets

Pie Medical Imaging announces the release of CAAS IntraVascular 2.0, the dedicated software for analysis of IVUS, NIRS-IVUS and OCT datasets. This new release contains an optimized OCT analysis and the in depth analysis of NIRS-IVUS datasets. Import your data easily from the console or PACS into the study list which provides a clear overview of your data. CAAS IntraVascular is used by the major corelabs and academic hospitals around the world and has 510(k) clearance for both IVUS and OCT.

CAAS IntraVascular - OCT analysis

The raw data import supports files of both OCT (St. Jude Medical Inc.) and OFDI (Terumo) format. Z-offset correction enables to adjust the calibration, even after the export from the console. Analyze your data fast and easy with automatic lumen contour detection, EEM segmentation and stent strut analysis. The position of the struts is clearly visualized and automatically classified into covered, uncovered and malapposed struts. Also a 3D visualization of the vessel and stent struts is provided.

In-depth ChemogramTM Analysis

Besides the current IVUS and (NIRS)-IVUS functionality of lumen, contour and stent contour detection, CAAS IntraVascular 2.0 contains the most extensive in-depth ChemogramTM analysis module. This module provides visualization and dedicated analysis of your NIRS-IVUS data such as custom LCBI measurements.


CAAS IntraVascular 2.0 contains on the fly-reporting and results can also be exported easily in a XML file (MS Excel compatible). Experience the software now in a 2 week free trial.

About Pie Medical Imaging BV

Pie Medical Imaging BV has more than 30 years of experience in cardiovascular analysis software and is well known for its CAAS and 3mensio product lines. Pie Medical Imaging, develops and markets software for diagnosis and planning of treatment, guidance and quantitative analysis of cardiovascular images. The company is based in Maastricht and is part of the Esaote group. Esaote S.p.A. is a worldwide provider of Ultrasound and dedicated MRI. More information is available at:

For further information, please contact, Rene Guillaume, Director Sales and Marketing of Pie Medical Imaging BV, Philipsweg 1, 6227AJ Maastricht, The Netherlands, Tel: +31-43-3281328, Email:
