Cryoballoon Ablation: A Safe, Simple and Effective Tool That Will Continue to Stand the Test of Time

Published: 23 April 2024

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In this video series, first presented at EHRA Congress 2024 held in Berlin, Dr Melanie Gunawardene, Dr Jonas De Jong, Dr Nicolas Clementy, Dr Juan Benezet, Dr Vedran Velagic and Dr Fabrizio Drago discuss the legacy of Arctic Front Advance cryoballoon ablation along with tools and tips on how they have taken this long-established procedure to the next level in their hospitals.

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Key Learning Objectives

  • Learn more about the extensive data available and the strong relevance of this long-standing energy source
  • Appreciate clinical-led discussions and real-life examples from the presenting physicians
  • Understand the new tools and techniques you could implement to further elevate your cryoablation procedures

Target Audience

  • Cardiologists
  • Electrophysiologists

More from this programme

Part 1

Taking the Unwavering Legacy of Cryoballoon Ablation to the Next Level

Dr Melanie Gunawardene presents a scientific summary of cryoballoon ablation over the past 23+ years, comparison data with other energy sources and the tools she utilises to enhance her experience.

Part 2

Cryoablation Innovations for Enhanced Efficiency

Dr Jonas De Jong shares expert experience and outcomes from his hospital as well as 10 useful tips to optimize the cryoablation procedure.

Part 3

The Zero Exchange Workflow

Dr Nicolas Clementy and Dr Juan Benezet Mazuecos discuss the benefits of a zero exchange workflow and results from their hospital.

Part 4

Minimum Fluoro Workflow

Dr Vedran Velagic discusses how you can achieve a minimum fluoro workflow with a tried and tested protocol.

Part 5

Panel Discussion – The Place of Cryo and PFA in Today’s World

Dr Jonas De Jong, Dr Nicolas Clementy, Dr Vedran Velagic and Dr Juan Benezet Mazuecos have a panel discussion on the continued, strong relevance of cryoablation in today’s single shot ablation space.

Part 6

Why I Believe in the Unbeatable Legacy of Cryoablation Even Beyond AF?

Dr Fabrizio Drago shares the benefits of focal cryoablation particularly in paediatric patients and 7 tips to perform an effective procedure.

Faculty Biographies

Melanie Gunawardene

Melanie Gunawardene

Melanie Gunawardene holds the position of Senior Physician specializing in Cardiology and Cardiac Electrophysiology at the Department of Cardiology and Internal Intensive Care Medicine at Asklepios Hospital St. Georg in Hamburg, Germany. Her research interests encompass Clinical Electrophysiology, with a particular focus on pioneering areas like New Ablation Strategies, Atrial Fibrillation, and Pulsed Field Ablation. Through her dedication to advancing treatment modalities and understanding cardiac rhythm disorders, she contributes significantly to enhancing patient care and outcomes within the medical field.





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