








カーディアックリズムマネジメントに関するアジア太平洋オンライン シンポジウム: 現在の医療環境における CIEDs 患者のリモートケアに関する最新の考察

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パンデミックからほぼ 2 年が経過しましたが、COVID-19 は CIEDs のフォローアップや患者ケアなど、世界の医療システムに大きな影響を与え続けています。
15:00 デリー / 17:30 シンガポール / 18:30 東京 / 20:30 シドニーで開催される次の心臓リズム管理に関するアジア太平洋オンライン シンポジウムにご参加ください。
リモートでの 2020 ウェビナーの一部の教員と前回のWebinarから、この 18 か月間において何が変化したかについて不整脈患者の管理、COVID-19 の進行中の影響、および CIEDs 患者ケアに見られる可能性が高い持続的な影響のいくつかに関して、議論する予定です。
ワークフローに関連するベスト プラクティスや、パンデミックによって増加した需要の管理など、リモートモニタリングに関する最新の考慮すべき事柄について説明することから始めます。








Masahide Harada

Masahide Harada

Ian Wilcox

Ian Wilcox

Chi-Keong Ching

Chi-Keong Ching

Ulhas Pandurangi

Ulhas Pandurangi

Jan Steffel

Jan Steffel

This webinar is supported by


5:30 - 5:50pm SGT

午後 5 時 30 分~午後 5 時 50 分 (シンガポール時間) CIEDs 患者ケアに対する Covid の重要な学習と永続的な影響 - Chi-Keong Ching 准教授

5:50 - 6:00pm SGT

午後 5 時 50 分~午後 6 時 (シンガポール時間) 質疑応答とパネルディスカッション

6:00 - 6:20pm SGT

午後6時~午後 6 時20 分 (シンガポール時間) 増加する需要を管理するためのリモートモニタリングワークフローのベスト プラクティス - Dr Ulhas M. Pandurangi

6:20 - 6:40pm SGT

アプリベースの遠隔モニタリングの効率と患者エンゲージメントを改善 - Jan Steffel教授

6:40 - 7:00pm SGT



  • CIEDs 患者ケアに対する COVID-19 の重要な学習と永続的な影響について専門家の話し合いの聴講
  • 特にパンデミック時に需要が増加し続ける中で、ワークフローを管理するためのリモートモニタリングのベスト プラクティスについての学習
  • 最新の技術革新と不整脈患者管理の将来の進化を含む、現在の医療環境における遠隔モニタリングに関連する最新の考慮事項の確認
  • 効率と患者の関与を改善するためのアプリを利用したリモートモニタリングの使用をサポートする最新の臨床的エビデンスを理解する


  • 不整脈患者を管理する心臓専門医および関連する医療従事者

Faculty Biographies

Chi-Keong Ching

Chi-Keong Ching

Professor Chi-Keong Ching is a Senior Consultant with the Department of Cardiology and the Director of Cardiac Electrophysiology and Pacing at the National Heart Centre Singapore.

He completed his clinical fellowship in Cardiac Electrophysiology and Pacing at the Cleveland Clinic, USA, in 2007. He is currently teaching at the Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School as an Adjunct Associate Professor. 

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Ulhas Pandurangi

Ulhas Pandurangi

Dr Ulhas Pandurangi is currently the Chief of the Department of Cardiac Electrophysiology and Pacing at the Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases (IVCD), the Madras Medical Mission (MMM), Chennai, India and conducts several academic events under the auspices of Arrhythmia Heart Failure Academy (AHFA).

Dr Ulhas performed over 5000 Radio Frequency Ablation (RFA) procedures for arrhythmias and more than 1500 device implants (Pacemaker, AICD, CRT and CRT-Ds). He runs the largest Remote Monitoring unit of Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices (CIEDs) at the Madras Medical Mission in India.

Dr Ulhas is the Faculty at various national and international conferences including Asia Pacific Heart Rhythm Society (APHRS) and Heart Rhythm Society (HRS) pertaining to Electrophysiology and Pacing.

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Jan Steffel

Jan Steffel

Professor Jan Steffel is a Cardiologist and Senior Consultant in Electrophysiology and Devices at the Hirslanden Clinic in Zurich and Professor of Cardiology at the University of Zurich.

He has over 150 publications in international and national journals and is board-certified in Internal Medicine and Cardiology.  He was Associate Editor for the European Heart Journal from 2012 and became Deputy Editor in 2017. He is a member of the Foederatio Medicorum Helveticorum (FMH), Swiss Society for General Internal Medicine (SGAIM), Swiss Society for Cardiology (SGK) and European Society of Cardiology (ESC).

Since 2012, Prof Steffel has been involved with the EHRA Certification Committee, which he has been co-chairing with Jens Cosedis Nielsen since 2015. He has co-authored two books on General Cardiology and Anticoagulation, as well as two iOS/Android Applications, each covering 150 multimodal multiple choice questions from the respective fields.

Prof Steffel holds EHRA and IBHRE Certifications in both Invasive Electrophysiology and Cardiac Devices.

His primary research focus is in the field of anticoagulation for stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation as well as novel technologies in cardiac devices.  His clinical specialities include:

  • Cardiac arrhythmias
  • Invasive electrophysiology
  • Pacemaker, ICD, CRT therapy


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Masahide Harada

Masahide Harada

Associate Professor Masahide Harada is a cardiologist at Fujita Medical University Hospital in Japan.

He is board member of Japanese Circulation Society, Japanese Society of Internal Medicine and Japanese Heart Rhythm Society.

He has more than 20 years of experience as a clinical cardiologist and involved in more than 40+ clinical trials across Japan.

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Ian Wilcox

Ian Wilcox

Professor Ian Wilcox is a Cardiologist at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney, a Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of Sydney and an Honorary Professor in the Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of New South Wales.

He has over 30 years’ experience as a Clinical Cardiologist and was one of the first Cardiologists in the world to identify the relationship between OSA and Cardiovascular disease. 

Professor WILCOX has 10 years of experience in remote monitoring of implanted cardiac devices in over 1000 Australians.

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