






Bridging the Gap in Worsening Heart Failure: Evidence-Based Approaches to Optimising Treatment Outcome

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This CME accredited roundtable is designed to equip healthcare professionals with the knowledge and tools necessary to identify high-risk patients indicative of worsening HF and to implement effective management strategies. Join Dr Javed Butler (Baylor Scott & White Health, Dallas, US); Dr Shelley Zieroth (University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, CA) and Prof Gianluigi Savarese (Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, SE) as they go through a comprehensive exploration of validated assessment tools, prognostic evaluations and emerging treatments. 


Case Studies

Follow the links below and watch the case studies recorded by Prof Gianluigi Savarese and Dr Javed Butler. Don't forget to submit how you would treat each patient. The faculty will discuss the results during the live roundtable.

Case 1: Worsening Heart Failure – Inpatient Setting
Case 2: Worsening Heart Failure – Outpatient Setting
Case 3: Worsening Heart Failure - Post-Discharge


In support of improving patient care, this activity has been planned and implemented by Radcliffe Cardiology and i3Health. i3 Health is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.  

i3 Health designates this live activity for a maximum of 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.



The information provided at this CME/NCPD/CPE activity is for continuing education purposes only and is not meant to substitute for the independent medical/clinical judgment of a healthcare provider relative to diagnostic and treatment options of a specific patient’s medical condition.

i3 Health requires CME/NCPD/CPE faculty (speakers) to disclose to attendees when products or procedures being discussed are off-label, unlabelled, experimental, and/or investigational (not FDA approved), as well as any limitations on the information that is presented, such as data that are preliminary or that represent ongoing research, interim analyses, and/or unsupported opinion. Faculty may discuss information about pharmaceutical agents that is outside of U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved labelling. This information is intended solely for continuing medical education and is not intended to promote off-label use of these medications. If you have questions, contact the medical affairs department of the manufacturer for the most recent prescribing information.

i3 Health and Radcliffe Medical Education planners, reviewers, and managers have nothing to disclosure.

i3 Health and Radcliffe have mitigated all relevant financial relationships.


Faculty Disclosures

Javed Butler
Speaker's Bureau: Boehringer Ingelheim, Lilly, Merck, Impulse Dynamics
Consultant: Abbott, American Regent, Amgen, Applied Therapeutic, AskBio, Astellas, AstraZeneca, Bayer, Boehringer Ingelheim, Boston Scientific, Bristol Myers Squibb, Cardiac Dimension, Cardiocell, Cardior, CSL Bearing, CVRx, Cytokinetics, Daxor, Edwards, Element Science, Faraday, Foundry, G3P, Innolife, Impulse Dynamics, Imbria, Inventiva, Ionis, Levator, Lexicon, Lilly, LivaNova, Janssen, Medtronics, Merck, Occlutech, Owkin, Novartis, Novo Nordisk, Pfizer, Pharmacosmos, Pharmain, Prolaio, Pulnovo, Regeneron, Renibus, Roche, Salamandra, Salubris, Sanofi, SC Pharma, Secretome, Sequana, SQ Innovation, Tenex, Tricog, Ultromics, Vifor, and Zoll

Shelley Zieroth
Consultant / Speaker: Speakers Bureau / Consultant: AstraZeneca,  Bayer, BMS, Boehringer Ingelheim, Cytokinetics, Eli Lilly, GSK, Janssen, Medtronic, Merck, Novartis, Novo-Nordisk, Otsuka, Pfizer, Roche, Salubrisbio, Servier and Vifor Pharma
Non-industry / Not for Profit: Canadian Medical and Surgical KT Group, CCS, CHFS, Charite, EOCI, Liv, Medscape, Ology, PACE-CME, Radcliffe, Reach MD, Translational Medicine Academy

Gianluigi Savarese
Advisory Board: AstraZeneca, Servier, Edwards, CSL Vifor, Cytokinetics, Abbott
Speaker's Bureau: Novartis, Cytokinetics, Medtronic, AstraZeneca, CSL Vifor, INTAS, GETZ, Roche, Hikma, Pharmacosmos, Menarini
Consultant: TEVA, Servier, AstraZeneca, CSL Vifor
Grants & Research Support: CSL Vifor, Boehringer Ingelheim, AstraZeneca, Merck, Cytokinetics Servier, Novartis, Boston Scientific, Pharmacosmos, Bayer


Javed Butler

Javed Butler

Shelley Zieroth

Shelley Zieroth

Gianluigi Savarese

Gianluigi Savarese

Supported by an independent educational grant from Merck and Co., Inc., Rahway, NJ, USA.


Welcome & Introduction

Dr Javed Butler

Session 1 - Complex Patient Cases

Dr Javed Butler

Risk Assessment in Worsening HF

Dr Shelley Zieroth

Emerging Therapies

Dr Javed Butler

Bridging Treatment Gaps

Dr Gianluigi Savarese

Discussion and Closing Remarks

All faculty

Learning Objectives

  • To identify high-risk patient features indicative of worsening Heart Failure (HF).
  • Name validated tools for serial prognostic assessment and risk stratification.
  • Adopt the use of appropriate assessment tools during patient follow-up.
  • Recall rates of recurrent HF events and their associated healthcare costs in worsening HF patients.
  • Recall the clinical benefit of emerging treatments targeted to treating worsening HF.
  • Initiate available treatment for the tailored management of worsening HF.

Target Audience

  • Cardiologists
  • Internists
  • Heart Failure Specialists
  • General Practitioners
  • Nurse Practitioners
  • Cardiovascular Nurses
  • Healthcare Professionals involved in the management of HF patients

Faculty Biographies

Javed Butler

Javed Butler

Dr Javed Butler is President, Baylor Scott and White Research Institute, Senior Vice President for the Baylor Scott and White Health and Professor of Medicine at the University of Mississippi, US. He is board certified in cardiovascular medicine and advanced heart failure and transplant medicine. His research interests focus on clinical trials in patients with heart failure.

He serves on several national committees for the American College of Cardiology, American Heart Association, National Institutes of Health, and the Heart Failure Society of America. He is the recipient of the Simon Dack Award by the American College of Cardiology as well as the Time, Feeling, and Focus Award by the American Heart Association.

Prof Butler has authored more than 900 peer-reviewed publications. He serves on the editorial board of several peer reviewed cardiovascular journals and has been cited numerous times in America’s Best Doctors list.


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Shelley Zieroth

Shelley Zieroth

Dr Shelley Zieroth is Professor at the College of Medicine, Max Rady Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Manitoba, as well as Director of the Heart Failure and Heart Transplant Clinics at St Boniface Hospital in Winnipeg, Canada. She is also Head of the Medical Heart Failure Program for Cardiac Sciences Manitoba.

She is involved in several heart failure clinical trials as a PI, National Lead or Executive Committee member. She is the Past President of the Canadian Heart Failure Society and Co-Chair of the Canadian Cardiovascular Society Heart Failure Guidelines. She is co-chair of Canada’s largest annual heart failure meeting, HF Update, and Past President of the Federation of Medical Women of Canada.

Dr Shelley Zieroth is an Editorial Board member of Cardiac Failure Review.

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Gianluigi Savarese

Gianluigi Savarese

Prof Gianluigi Savarese is currently an Associate Professor of Cardiology and Heart Failure Specialist at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden. 

Prof Savarese has served on the board for the European Society of Cardiology's Heart Failure Association since 2020, and has previously been a Nucleus member of a working group on Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy for the ESC. He is a member of the Italian Society of Cardiology, and the Swedish Society of Cardiology. 

Prof Savarese attended the University of Naples Federico II University for his degree in Surgery and Medicine between 2004 - 2010. He then went on to stay at the same institution until 2016 as he completed his Specialism in Cardiovascular Diseases. He then continued his postgraduate studies at the University of Zurich between 2015-2017, where he continued his studies into Heart Failure. Finally, Prof Savarese completed his PhD at the Karolinska Institutet in 2018. 

Prof Savarese has published over 150 publications in peer-reviewed journals, focusing mainly on heart failure, epidemiology and cardiovascular pharmacotherapy. 

Prof Gianluigi Savarese is Section Editor of European Cardiology Review.

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