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Join Dr Jeff Sharman (US Oncology & Sarah Cannon Research Institute Network, US), Dr Dan Lenihan (Saint Francis Healthcare System, US) and Dr Joe Carver (University of Pennsylvania, US) for an in-depth exploration of Bruton Tyrosine Kinase (BTK) inhibitors and their impact on cardiovascular health. This session will delve into cutting-edge research, clinical applications and emerging insights on how BTK inhibitors influence heart function.

Leading the discussion is Dr Sharman, a pioneer in the field of BTK inhibitors. Dr Sharman developed the concept of using these inhibitors to treat lymphoid malignancies and conducted the first human studies of ibrutinib. He has led phase 3 trials for acalabrutinib and pirtobrutinib, guiding their regulatory approvals and shaping the management of lymphoma and leukemia. His vast experience brings a unique understanding of the cardiovascular implications associated with these therapies.

Don't miss this opportunity to gain expert insights into the intersection of cancer treatment and heart health.

The partnership combines Radcliffe’s rapidly growing global community and expertise in delivering the most innovative virtual events, with the knowledge and experience of IC-OS’s members, to curate broadcasts that challenge current practice and have real-world patient benefits.

This webinar is for cardiologists, haematologists, oncologists, nurse practitioners, nurses and pharmacists.

The International Cardio-Oncology Society is a committed group of professionals throughout the world who are striving to protect the cardiovascular health of all patients who are undergoing cancer therapy. By optimising the cardiac status of patients with cancer before, during and after their treatment, IC-OS is collectively improving the overall outcomes including survival and quality of life. IC-OS aims to provide the latest scientific and clinical education and research for anyone treating patients with cancer in the hopes of enhancing cardiovascular protection.


Support Statement
This is an independent activity run by the International Cardio-oncology Society (ICOS) and co-produced in collaboration with Radcliffe Cardiology. IC-OS has been provided support to deliver this webinar by AstraZeneca through an unrestricted educational grant to cover organisational costs and has had no input into the agenda or content of this educational activity. Radcliffe Cardiology has received no industry funding.


Jeff Sharman

Jeff Sharman

Dan Lenihan

Dan Lenihan

Joe Carver

Joe Carver

This webinar is supported by

Faculty Biographies

Jeff Sharman

Jeff Sharman

Jeff Sharman M.D. is the medical director of hematology research for the US Oncology / Sarah Cannon Research Institute network. This consortium manages approximately one out of every five cancer patients treated in the United States and is the largest private research network in the country. 

Dr Sharman developed the original idea of using BTK inhibitors to treat lymphoid malignancies and conducted the first in human studies of ibrutinib within his private practice at the Willamette Valley Cancer and Research Center in Eugene, Oregon, US. He has led phase 3 studies of acalabrutinib and pirtobrutinib leading to their regulatory approval among many other therapies in the management of lymphoma and leukemia. He knows that the heart is somewhere in the chest between the lungs and has some important jobs and was proud to go to residency at Massachusetts General Hospital with a total of 8 co-residents who specialised in electrophysiology – so most of what he knows in cardiology was by osmosis from his peers.

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Dan Lenihan

Dan Lenihan

Dr Dan Lenihan is a cardio-oncologist specialising in cardiology, heart disease and advanced heart failure, at Saint Francis Healthcare System, Cape Girardeau, US.

He is a co-Founder and Board Member of the International Cardio-Oncology Society (ICOS), which is an international professional association whose primary goal is to eliminate cardiac disease as a barrier to effective cancer therapy. 

He is actively involved in patient care as the Director of the Cardio-Oncology Programme, Cardiac Rehabilitation, and the Heart Failure clinic at Saint Francis Healthcare System.

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Joe Carver

Joe Carver

Dr Joe Carver is the Bernard Fishman Clinical Professor of Medicine at the Abramson Cancer Center of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, US. He is the Chief of Staff at the Abramson Cancer Center.

He is the Director of the Thalheimer Cardio-oncology Center at the Abramson Cancer Center and his clinical practice is in the subspecialty of cardio-oncology.

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