Ep 121: OMI/NOMI: A Paradigm Shift in Myocardial Infarction Diagnosis
Ep 121: OMI/NOMI: A Paradigm Shift in Myocardial Infarction Diagnosis With Dr Stephen Smith

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In this week's episode of Parallax, host Dr Ankur Kalra engages in a thought-provoking discussion with Dr Stephen Smith, a pioneer in electrocardiography and myocardial infarction diagnosis. They delve into the groundbreaking OMI/NOMI paradigm (Occlusion MI vs Non-Occlusion MI), challenging the traditional STEMI vs non-STEMI terminology that has long been the cornerstone of acute coronary syndrome management.

Dr Smith presents compelling evidence highlighting the limitations of ST-elevation as a marker for acute coronary occlusion, discussing his recently published review paper: "From ST-Segment Elevation MI to Occlusion MI: The New Paradigm Shift in Acute Myocardial Infarction".

The conversation explores the proposed shift to the OMI/NOMI terminology and the specific ECG criteria for diagnosing occlusion MI. Dr Smith discusses the challenges in disseminating this new paradigm and teaching these refined ECG interpretation skills to clinicians. Dr Kalra and Dr Smith explore exciting developments in AI-assisted OMI detection and ongoing studies aimed at validating the OMI/NOMI approach.

How can clinicians effectively implement the OMI/NOMI criteria into daily practice? What challenges exist in teaching these new ECG interpretation skills, and how can they be overcome? What advice does Dr Smith have for our listeners?

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